Spearman Reporter - 100 Years Ago - 10/10/1924

by Gary Ellsworth, Reporter Statesman Contributor

 I have purchased the interests of F. C. Sumral in the Cooke-Sumral Motor Company and will continue the business as it has been conducted heretofore, in partnership with Mr. Cooke. We will keep on hand at all times a full line of Star and Durant cars, and parts and accessories for the same. We solicit a continuance of the business that the old firm has enjoyed and will do our best to merit the same. Cooke-Mathews Motor Co. Spearman, Texas 
Bought the D.C.D. Filling Station 

 Allen King bought the D.C.D Filling Station located on Main Street from M. C. Head, the first of the week, and is in charge of same. Mr. King is one of the teachers in Spearman schools and will not be able to give the business personal attention, except to the management. However, he intends to keep a man always on the job and to see that the station is well supplied with gas, oils, greases, and auto accessories. This is a convenient place to "gas" and has always enjoyed a good business. 

Who is the Owner? 
 Sheriff Richardson reports having in his possession 2 (1/2) gallons of booze for which he is very anxious to find an owner. He asks that the owner please call at the courthouse, identify property, etc. 
 Mrs. J. H. Buchanan, superintendent of the culinary departments at the Hansford County Free Fair, desires to extend thanks to "the ladies who helped out with the work at the Fair building and elsewhere. The ladies had a fine display and did some excellent work in the interest of the fair. 
90 Years Ago - 10/18/1934 

Half Inch Rain Revives Wheat in County 
 Taking an average of the entire county, more than a half inch of rainfall was reported Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Spearman reported approximately .40 of an inch, while both Morse and Gruver, Hitchland and Holt communities reported rainfall in excess of a half inch. 
 Those in a position to know state that the moisture will bring up the wheat planted recently and will revive wheat that was sprouted and beginning to die out. 
 P. M. Maize, official weather prophet for the Spearman Reporter stated Wednesday that "It'll be plenty boggy in the flats before November 10th." In view of the fact that Mr. Maize has never yet made an error in his official report, wheat growers can feel elated, as we will need more moisture in Hansford County within the next ten or twelve days. 

Paul Buchanan Made Eagle Scout at Court of Honor Monday Night 
 Paul Buchanan was advanced to the grade of Eagle Scout at the Hansford County Court of Honor held at the High School Auditorium Monday night. Paul is the only Boy Scout in the county to be advanced to this grade. Other Spearman scouts advanced at the court of honor included: Carl and Oscar Archer advanced to Star Scouts; Perrin Lyon advanced to First Class Scout. Several Spearman and Morse scouts received merit badges at the court Monday night. Executive C. A. Clark was in charge of the program. He was assisted by Charles Chambers, Scoutmaster of Spearman, Bill McClellan, T. E. Johnson and A. H. Word, Lions Club scout committeemen. 

Attorney General Rules Gruver Beer Election Would be Illegal 
 According to information from Judge J. H. Broadhurst, an election in the Gruver Precinct to vote on legalizing the sale of 3.2 beer cannot be held at the time the November election is held. Mr. Broadhurst phoned the Attorney General's department in Austin and was informed the election would not be legal. He asked for a ruling on the case. 

Spearman Firms Have String of Bad Checks 
 Several Spearman merchants were stuck with a series of bum checks passed out this past week by Dan Wren and given on A. R. Stetson. Dan Wren came to Spearman during harvest this last year and was fairly well known locally. He worked for both Lester McLain and Mr. Stetson since then and had been cashing checks given by these men for some time, so nothing was thought of it. 

 About a week or so ago C. W. Smith cashed a check for Dan, given on A. R. Stetson that was a bona fide check for $9.00. This check must have been duplicated as the one presented to Mr. Smith and other merchants this week was of the same denomination and drawn on Mr. Stetson. Among the businessmen to be honored with these bogus checks were C. W. Smith, Sparks Confectionery and Slim Windom. 

"Variety" Smith Suffers Set-Back 
 Our usually jovial and care free Variety Store Smith has been suffering somewhat the past few days from a nausea in the pit of his stomach and developed a high temperature, brought about primarily by the fact that he was the recipient of a no good check for 9 smackers, passed by an old meanie, and at the same time he accepted a Wheat check without getting any signer upper on it. The latest reports, however, are that he is doing very nicely at present. 

80 Years Ago - 10/19/1944 
Spearman Gets First Freezing Weather of Fall 
 Spearman had its first freezing fall weather last week with temperatures of 31 degrees Thursday, Oct. 12, and 32 degrees the following morning. The temperature gradually rose each morning and reached 52 degrees Monday with a recession to 46 degrees Tuesday. No rain fell during the past week here. However, rain was reported south and east of here Sunday. 

Lost Ration Books Will be Replaced with Fewer Stamps 
 War Ration Books III and IV, when issued to replace lost or destroyed books will not necessarily contain the same number of stamps that were in the books at the time of their loss or destruction. Miss Opal L. Wood, food rationing officer of the District OPA has announced. Heretofore, since all stamps are valid indefinitely and since it is difficult to prove the actual number of stamps contained in a book at the time of loss or destruction, replacement books were issued with little or no tailoring. As a result of this, some people were receiving books containing more stamps than were in the original books at the time of loss. 

 Effective October 20, local War Price and Rationing Boards will, before issuing a new ration book, remove all expired stamps and all currently valid stamps that were valid on the date of application except the last stamp or series of stamps that became valid on or before the date of application for the new book. In this way, even though the applicant may receive fewer stamps than were in his lost book, he will receive a sufficient number of stamps to enable him to buy enough rationed foods and shoes for his needs. 

WAC Recruiting Team Will be Here Oct. 25[th] 
 A WAC Recruiting Team from Amarillo will be in Spearman, Wednesday, Oct. 25, to interview women who are eligible for the Women Army Corps. The team, composed of Lieut. Vivian E. Woody, Sgt. Paula Edwards, and Cpl. Esther Kennedy, will have its headquarters in the post office building. Anyone who wishes to contact the recruiters may do so by leaving their name with the local postmaster. 

 Women enlisted in the WAC and having four years of high school will be accepted for training as laboratory, dental, X-ray, orthopedic, surgical and medical technicians, occupational therapists. pharmacists, optometrists, psychiatric social workers, Braille teachers, and lip-reading teachers. 

638 Garments Donated for Relief Work 
 The churches of Spearman, which participated in the drive for used clothing for the liberated countries, were gratified at the results of the drive. The collection of 638 good, serviceable and clean garments was shipped to Oklahoma City. 

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