Spearman Reporter Headlines
100 Years Ago - 5/30/1924
Nice Ballgame
One of the cleanest and most interesting ball games seen on the Spearman field in several years was played last Sunday between the local team and a team from Farnsworth. The visitors came without ball suits, but "they can play ball" was an expression frequently heard during the game. The visitors had those old veterans of the diamond, the Whippo boys, on the mound and at the receiving end, which accounts in a large measure for the splendid showing made by that team. At the end of the game, the score stood 2 and 3 in favor of Spearman, the latter having batted only eight times. It was a clean victory for the home boys, but the visitors made them play ball from the start to the finish. Whippo for Farnsworth struck out six batters, and Roach for the home team struck out 12 batters. "Speck" Mosely was at the receiving end for Spearman. All of Spearman's scores were made in the seventh inning. The first score of the game was made in the sixth, when Farnsworth pushed a man across the plate.
McClellan Bought the Liske Elevator
R. L. McClellan closed a deal with the Liske Grain Company the first of the week, by which he became the owner of the Liske elevator in Spearman, and the company which he has organized will assume the management of same June 1. This new company, with Mr. McClellan at the head, will handle grain, cotton and broom corn. As these are the three leading commodities of the farm produced in the Spearman country, we predict a very successful future for the new concern. Mr. McClellan has resigned the position as manager of the Spearman Equity Exchange, his resignation to take effect on June 1. The board of directors of this institution have not yet selected another manager. We have heard the names of several good men mentioned in this connection, among them being Geo. L. Roland. Mr. McClellan states he is leaving the Equity with considerable regret. He has been with this concern since it began business in Spearman and has seen it grow from a small beginning to one of the largest and most successful businesses in this part of the country. A desire to own and operate a business of his own prompted Mr. McClellan to sever connections with the Equity and buy the Liske elevator. He is one of the town's most successful businessmen, is thoroughly familiar with the lines of business in which he is engaging, and we can see nothing but success in store for the new firm.
A Big Meeting of Commercial Club
The noonday meeting of the Commercial Club, last Wednesday at the Palo Duro hotel, was one of the very best ever held by that organization. The attendance was larger than usual. New members are coming into the club; new enthusiasm and new ideas are being brought out. The Club discussed the Adobe Walls celebration, Spearman's new $20,000 gin plant, the Spearman band, trees in the campground and many other matters. One matter brought to the attention of the Club at this meeting was the need of a slogan. It was suggested by the publicity committee that each member of the club suggest a slogan and submit the same to the board of directors and that this board select one from those submitted. This plan met with the approval of those present and all who will are asked to study up a slogan, not to contain more than 12 or 15 words, and submit the same to the board of directors. You may leave your suggestion with Mr. Carson at the First National Bank or at the Reporter office, and it will receive proper attention. P. M. Maize has already suggested one which the Reporter believes is good. It is: "Heart of the Plains." If you have something better, give the club the benefit of your idea.
Work Begun on Spearman's $20,000.00 Ginning Plant
The first load of material to be used in the construction of Spearman's $20,000 ginning plant was unloaded on the grounds Tuesday, and the work of purchasing and assembling the building material will proceed as rapidly as possible until the plant is completed. D. B. Kirk, the gin man, was in Spearman from his farm in the Holt Community on Tuesday, and informed the Reporter that the blueprints for the plant were all ready and in the hands of architects and builders in Amarillo, and that actual work of construction would begin withing the next few days. The gin will be located in the northeast part of Spearman and northeast of the Palo Duro Hotel. It is a convenient place for farmers to reach from any direction and there will be plenty of room, with the least possible danger of fire. The activities along this line should dispel any fears and doubts from the minds of cotton growers that Spearman would have a gin to take care of this year's crop. As the Reporter has frequently stated, Spearman will have a gin, and it will be ready for the 1924 crop. The machinery will be shipped by July 1. The cancellation clause has been stricken from the contract - the machinery is bought, and as quickly as it can be assembled and made ready for shipment, will be shipped to Spearman. All that remains now is for the farmers to plant cotton. The weather is ideal, and the prospects could not be better. PLANT COTTON. Plant more than you expected at the beginning. The expense of handling a cotton crop is not great and the chances for great returns on the investment are better than on the usual run of investments. The Spearman country should have at least 10,000 acres of cotton this year. It is a well-known fact that when the idea of raising cotton in the Spearman country was first advanced, the farmers did not like the idea of having to haul the staple to Dumas or Canadian to a gin, although many did do this, and still made good money on their crops. But to avoid this great expense to the farmer, the Spearman Commercial Club took up the matter of a gin for Spearman, and many farmers agreed to plant cotton if the gin was built. Now that the actual work of construction on the $20,000 plant has begun, these farmers will probably plant more cotton than they first anticipated. The gin will handle bollies in the latest and most improved manner. There is hardly a chance to lose on a cotton crop, even if frost catches it before it is opened up in first class manner. Experience has proven that cotton is the most profitable crop that can be raised here as long as the price remains around 20 cents per pound. The prospects for a crop in the old cotton raising districts are far from flattering. This seems to be the ideal year to plant cotton in this country.
75 Years Ago - 5/26/1949
Hail Damages Southeast of Spearman
Hail damage during the storm and rain Monday night May 23rd was a bit more than first anticipated in the Spearman area. We learn that quite a bit of hail Southeast of Spearman caused damage ranging from 50 percent down. Those sustaining loss were: Mrs. Jackson, John R. Collard, Sr., Merle Beck, Ab Jackson, Mrs. J.M. Blodgett, Ray Skinner, and Chip Martin.
5000 Years of Farming at the Case Show June 1
5000 years of farming, depicting the periods from slavery and scarcity to Freedom and abundance will he illustrated at the big Case show to be held at the R. L. McClellan and Sons new home in Spearman Wednesday, June 1[st], beginning at 8:00 p. m.
This show is presented by the Case Company and the local dealers and represents quite an expense in research and presenting an educational theme in a very enjoyable fashion. Pictures, cartoons and other items will be the entertainment in addition to an outstanding display of farm machinery.
Scouts to Leave for Camp
Scoutmaster John R. Collard, Jr. announces a compliment of 12 members of Scout Troop No. 51 ready to enjoy the week camping at Camp Kiowa, at Lake Marvin near Canadian, Texas. Adult leadership for the camp in addition to Scoutmaster Collard and Leader Bill Pattison will be arranged by committeemen Guy Fuller and Roy L. McClellan. The scouts must have at least two adult leaders at all times during the week. The scouts will leave at 1:30 p. m. Sunday and return Saturday afternoon June 4.
Popular Men of Spearman will Receive Degrees
Publicity notices from Texas Technological College at Lubbock, Texas, announces the 3rd annual commencement services May 30, at 8:00 p. m. with 1,233 candidates for Masters and Bachelor's degrees. Among the candidates for degrees are two Spearman young men of whom this newspaper is justly proud. Frank Porter, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Porter, will receive his Masters degree in Education. Frank is one of a very few Spearman Citizens who has ever received a Masters degree.
Wilbur Winfred Hart, veteran of the war, very popular young Spearmanite, who has stuck out his years of studies, both thru some of the summer months and the regular terms, will receive his Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, BBA.
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