Spearman Reporter Headlines

by Gary Ellsworth, Reporter Statesman Contributor

100 Years Ago - 5/16/1924

A Little Trouble

A linotype breakdown just before the Reporter went to press last week caused us considerable trouble and no little embarrassment. All the type for the Reporter is set the linotype way, except the larger display lines, and when the machine went to the bad last week, just an hour before press time, there was nothing to do but go to press with what was set, leaving out several important news items. Several items were phoned in by friends of the paper and we regretted very much our being unable to handle them. The broken piece of the linotype was repaired with a new one which came from New Orleans, arriving Monday, and we are again hitting on four.

Lee Sales Company Will Open Next Week

The building being erected just across the street south of the city water and light plant is nearing completion, and the owners, The Lee Sales Company, expect to be ready for business by the later part of next week. They have a splendid building, convenient and modern, and are going to be in shape to handle their share of the automobile trade. Chamberlain Brothers compose the firm. They are experienced automobile and accessory salesmen, and we predict for them a very successful career.

Some Snake

A young gentleman who is engaged in breaking sod for F. M. Bean, at the latter's farm east of town, reported having run a disc over a snake the first of the week, cutting the snake into twenty pieces and each piece was over a foot long. It was a rattler.

Marriage a Surprise to Hosts of Friends

The greatest surprise of the season in social circles was the announcement early last week of the marriage of Miss Gwenifred Anna Jones to Mr. John Maxwell Lackey, which occurred in Amarillo on Saturday, May 3[rd]. The happy young people left immediately lor Dallas and Waco on a short visit to relatives and friends, returning early this week to their home, six miles southwest of Spearman. These popular young folks are natives of Hansford County, having spent almost their entire lifetime here. They have been friends since childhood days. The bride is the only daughter of Mrs. Joseph Walter Jones, who owns one of the best cattle ranches on the Palo Duro. She is an accomplished young lady and a great friend to everyone, especially the ranch people, many of whom have known her since childhood. The groom is a substantial young stock farmer, who is developing into one of the country's leading citizens. He owns a fine ranch and farm southwest of Spearman, on which he and his new bride will make their home. The Reporter extends congratulations to the newlyweds and wishes for them all kinds of happiness and prosperity.

Will Demonstrate with a Tractor

The Andrews Hardware Company of this city state that on Monday, May 19[th], on the vacant land north of the Railway near the Spearman depot will take place a demonstration of the new McCormick-Deering 15-30 Tractor. This tractor will be attached to a six-disc plow and given a thorough test, so that the farmer may see just what he is buying when he invests in one of these splendid tractors. F.C. Quarrels, an International Harvester man, will have charge of the demonstration, and will be glad to answer all inquiries about a tractor of this kind. The demonstration will take place between three and four o'clock, and the Andrews Hardware Company invites everyone, especially those who are interested in tractors.

75 Years Ago - 5/19/1949

New Recreation Club Opened Here

If you haven't been in the new beautiful Recreation Hall, make a date today to visit with managers, Victor and Herschel Ooley and let them show you around. The new pool hall will feature courteous service above all. Victor Ooley, formerly of Taft, California, and Herschel Ooley, will be in charge of the new Club. Both of these boys were former football stars for the Spearman Lynx and are well known in Hansford County.

Ex Spearmanites in Amarillo Storm

The lives of three people were perhaps saved Sunday night during the Amarillo tornado, by the quick thinking of Richard Prather, 7-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Prather, formerly of Spearman, now living at 4113 Harrison Street, Amarillo, Texas. Mrs. Prather is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Peters of Spearman.

Here are the details of the storm: Mr. and Mrs. Prather had engaged an elderly lady, for the evening, to look after their two children, Richard and Jack. They were away from home at the time the tornado struck. The lady had just finished reading a story to the boys, before retiring them for the night, when the screaming and howling of the wind sent her hurrying to close the door.

Richard, age seven, grabbed his brother, Jack aged four, by the arm, and placed him in front of the Divan, in a prone position, then all went dark. The elderly screamed as she was struck by some flying missile and fell to the floor. Richard worked his way over toward her in the darkness, getting a hold on her hand. He managed to get her by his younger brother none too soon. The walls of the house literally folded in over them. Two hours later a rescue party found all three safe and took them to a neighbor's home. There, Mr. and Mrs. Prather found them after a night of fear and terror. The Prather home was completely demolished.

J. L. Pierce, William Dillow, and Pat Cates were caught in the Amarillo storm and declared that hail as big as golf balls fell around and in Amarillo.

To date, 5 people have died from the tornado.


The offices of Dr. D.E. Hackley, Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon, now open in the E.C. Womble Building beside City Hall.

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