Election Results - Hansford County Sheriff Swan and Mahaffee head to a Run off

by Staff Report

These are the unofficial results from the clerk for the local, contested races in Hansford County. We will post full election results in this week's edition of the paper on Thursday. In Hansford County there were 1,221 votes cast which is 41.19% of registered voters.

Hansford County Sheriff

Swan - 498

Mahafee - 450

Lesly - 315

*Swan and Mahafee will be in a run off

County Treasurer

Lopez - 685

Byers - 507

County Commissioner

Reed - 174

Herrington - 58

Johnson - 45

District 87 Texas House

Fairly - 547

Bulla - 308

Beyea - 238

Quackenbush - 87

All of the GOP Ballot initiatives passed.

GOP Precinct Chair

Donita Lusby - 154

Suzanne Bellsnyder - 130

Local Votes President and Statewide Candidates

For President -Trump 1,081 votes

US Senator - Cruz 1120

Railroad Commissioner - Craddick 433

Supreme Court - Brian Walker 433