Spearman Reporter Headlines
100 Years Ago - 12/21/1923
At The Methodist Church
The regular services will be held at the Methodist Church in Spearman on Sunday, December 23. The subject for the sermon at 11:00 a.m. will be "Christ and Christmas", and for 7:00 p.m. "What is Your Business?". A cordial invitation is extended to whosoever will worship at this church. There will be a Christmas Tree at the Methodist Church on Christmas Eve night, under the auspices of the Sunday School. A short, appropriate program will be given.
He that forms the Sunday School and Church going habit will never regret doing so. Why wait until you have to ride in a hearse to begin it? We now have 4 Sunday Schools in town, so why not count ONE somewhere on Sunday?
As the three wise men rode on that first Christmas to find the manger-cradled Babe of Bethlehem, they bore gifts on their saddle bows; gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. And so, the spirit of Christmas giving crept into the world's heart.
The injunction was to go into the highways and byways and seek out the poor and distressed, the humble and afflicted, the ragged children and the outcast and the aged, and in the name of Him who was born on Christmas day, carry some sunshine into their lives. Give unto the poor and afflicted and your hearts shall glow with that peace which passes understanding.
The two dominate characteristics of the Christmas season are kindness expressed by good will toward men and the inward joy wrought by kind acts and suggested by peace on Earth. "That Earth has grown old with its burden of care, but at Christmas it is always young", and with each recurring Yuletide we like to think of the spiritual blessings brought to the children of men on that first Christmas.
Our greeting to you is one of kindness in return for the good will you have displayed toward us. Our wish is that you may be filled with the fresh, clean joys of the season and receive a liberal endowment of that spirit which at this time rises like a mighty flood over the world. PASTOR
To Our Many Customers and Friends - Merry Christmas
Christmas, the season for the renewal of old friendships, for the forgetting of differences, for the expression of good will and kindness is here.
May your Christmas be filled with joy and happiness, unmarred by sorrow, and may you carry with you through the coming year the spirit of the Yuletide.
Our wish is that this may be for you and yours a Christmas long to be remembered for its happiness and cheer. The Spearman Reporter
Poultry Business Making Good
About the busiest place of business in Spearman these days is the poultry yard conducted by Chas. O. Collard. Mr. Collard has had a large force of men and boys busy the past week, preparing turkeys for shipment to market. He is dressing them and shipping to St. Louis. During the week Mr. Collard paid the farmers of the Spearman trade territory about $1500 and is buying every day. Turkeys were received at the poultry yard here from as far as 40 miles away, which shows that Mr. Collard is treating the poultry raiser square; is paying all the market will allow and is building up a business which will rapidly grow in proportions as the farmers learn where they can market their poultry to the best advantage. Mr. Collard sent away a shipment of 7,000 pounds of dressed turkeys a day or so ago and expects to send another shipment before the end of the week. We are glad to see this business grow and prosper in Spearman. Poultry raising is one of the chief industries of the country, but without a satisfactory market here, the farmer will take his poultry to other towns, and thus Spearman is deprived of the business which belongs to her. Mr. Collard's customers are satisfied with the treatment received at the yard here.
From the Editor, Oran Kelly
A $75,000 school building, water works, and an electric light plant does very well for 1923, but Spearman has a much greater program for 1924 if every man, woman, and child will sit steady in the boat and pull for those things that are worthwhile. We need several miles of sidewalk, a municipal ice plant, at least two more rural routes, a gin, and fewer dogs.
75 Years Ago - 12/23/1948
New Assembly of God Church House Nearing Completion
Work on the completion of the New Assembly of God Church building located on the lot North of the Paul Roach Residence in Spearman is approaching the stage where visitors can vision the future church home.
The building has been under the management and direction of the pastor of the church, T. J. Howard who has been Shepherd of the small flock of church members the past four months.
The ambitious and progressive program of the small church Membership deserves the respect and praise of all Spearman and Hansford County people who are interested in progress and spiritual uplift of this area.
Gruver Christmas Decorations Were Outstanding Say Spearman Judges
Mrs. Jack Tabor of Gruver received first prize awarded by the Gruver Chamber of Commerce for the most attractive Christmas decorated and lighted residence in Gruver. Tom Jones received 2nd prize and Roy Chase received 3rd prize. Honorable mention went to Mrs. Cluck and Gene Cluck and J. C. Harris. The prizes were provided by the Gruver Chamber of Commerce of Gruver.
Judges for the contest were from Spearman and included Pat Ryan, Secretary of the Spearman Chamber of Commerce, Reverend Ray Stephens and T. R. Shirley. The group of judges stated the lighting in the business district of Gruver was outstanding, but no prizes were offered for the business district.
According to Pat Ryan, the judges felt that both Spearman and Gruver should offer additional prizes next Christmas and increase the classifications, suggesting that prizes should be awarded for Christmas scenes, for interior decorations and for outside decorations.
Thieves Loot School Safe December 26
Thieves, apparently of the professional type, jimmied the back door of the high school building, forced entrance to the office at the high school and opened the safe to steal an estimated $250.00 in cash and other checks and papers. The robbery occurred Sunday evening December 26, and was discovered Monday morning.
The cash represented funds from the grade school that had been collected but not deposited. Sheriff J. B. Cooke stated Tuesday of this week that so far, he had been unable to uncover any clues relative to the identity of the thieves. Entrance to the safe was effected by knocking the knob off of the safe and driving in the master pin.
Gene Autry Will Appear In Amarillo January 4[th]
Gene Autry, the idol of millions, young and old, will bring his stage show to Amarillo for two performances on January 4th. Proceeds will go to Boys Ranch. Autry was a visitor at the ranch a few weeks ago and decided he wanted to do something for the boys. So he volunteered to bring his show to Amarillo for 2 performances - 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon and 8 o'clock at night, both shows in Municipal Auditorium which will seat more than 3,000.
Reserved seat tickets may be secured by writing Maxor Drug, Fisk Building, Amarillo. Admission will be $1.00 for downstairs and 75 cents for balcony at the matinee. Night show admission will be $2.20 front half of the main floor, $1.65 back half of main floor and front two sections of the balcony, and $1.15 for the balance of the balcony. Autry has parlayed a horse, a guitar and a nostalgic voice into an empire valued at from 4 to 7 million dollars. He was encouraged to sing by the late Will Rogers.
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