Spearman in 1920

by Gary Ellsworth, Reporter Statesman Contributor

As 2023 comes to an end, I wanted to include this article from the December 26, 1919, Spearman Reporter. Gary E.

Spearman in 1920

Spearman, at the terminus of the North Texas & Santa Fe railway in Hansford County, Texas, the coming town of the southwest, begins the year 1920 with a population of about 500, and new people are coming every day. The population is increasing so fast it is difficult to make a conservative estimate at this time, but present indications are that it will reach 1500 by January 1, 1921. Spearman is now two months old. The following is a partial list of the business concerns now doing business here or that will be here within the next few days.

First of all is the North Texas & Santa Fe railway, without which Spearman could not have been possible. The company has under construction at this time: A passenger and freight depot, with ample waiting rooms, baggage and express rooms, warehouse, etc; a two-stall round-house and coal chute; six-pen stock yards with two loading chutes; agent's and section foreman's cottages, wells and other improvements.

The First National Bank and Guaranty State Bank, Probst Grain Co. elevator will be ready to handle grain by February 1; Liske Grain Co. offices and scales up, buying grain now and will build-elevator; Horn Grain Company offices and scales up, buying grain now and will build elevator; Vanderhoofven Grain Co. scales and offices up, buying grain; M.C. Head, dealer in grain, coal and feed, offices, scales and warehouse up and buying grain. The Texhoma Elevator Co. and Archer brothers are also buying grain here.

The Panhandle Lumber Co.--their aim is to help improve the panhandle--everything in the way of lumber and building material now on hand; White House Lumber Co., complete line of lumber and building material now in stock; Summers-Hood Lumber Company, complete line of lumber and building material in transit; Big Jo Lumber Co., one car of lumber on ground and more to follow at an early date.

Joe's Cafe, Ideal Cafe and Close Restaurant. Wilbanks rooming house under construction.

John R Collard, the pioneer real estate man, who has not yet found time to move his family up from Hansford. Mr. Collard has labored unceasingly for the good of Spearman during the past sixty days, and a great number of people will be under lasting obligations to him for kindnesses shown and accommodations extended. Mr. Collard, the townsite man, and Mr. Wilsey, of the Spearman Land Interests, will long be remembered by the early settlers of Spearman. They are men of the proper caliber and thoroughly understand the business of town building.

Hillhouse Drug Company, John L Hays Mercantile Company, the Reporter, Sid Clark, barber, Jesse E Hays Oil and Gas Station, J. E. Close, blacksmith, Independent Telephone Company, Andrews Bakery, Champlin Refining Company, and Triangle Distributing Company.

P. M. Maize Mercantile Co, Dillow & Son Garage, Andrews Hardware Company, and Hale Drug Company are moving up from Hansford.

Business houses and residences are being built every day and it is impossible to give a complete list. But Spearman is not a boom town. It is being built by men who are coming here to stay or who were here at the beginning and intend to stay. Watch Spearman grow.

Spearman EDC Survey