Spearman Reporter Headlines

by Gary Ellsworth, Reporter Statesman Contributor

100 Years Ago – 11/23/1923

City Council Elects A City Manager

At a recent meeting of the City Council, Floyd Sumrall was elected to the position of City Manager, which position he has accepted and is now on the job. Mr. Sumrall was formerly connected with the bookkeeping department of the Spearman Equity Exchange. He is well qualified for the position he now holds and will make the city an excellent manager. The Reporter believes the Council has used good judgement in the election of a manager and also believes that this manager will save the city more than is paid him in salary by keeping the affairs all in order and looking after city business and property generally. It will not be many days now until we have both water and light furnished by the city. The fine weather of the past two weeks has been a wonderful thing for the workmen on the light and water plants. They are moving along with the work and will soon have the machinery in motion.

Thanksgiving Dance

A big dance will be given at the Lyric theatre building in Spearman on the night before Thanksgiving - Wednesday night, November 28. Music will be furnished by Hippy Bennett, Lackey and Hillhouse. This will be one of the big dances of the season and it is expected that a large crowd will be in attendance.

A Name For Spearman Hi

Did you ever stop to think that it is just as essential for our school to have a name as for us to have one? Well it is, and we have it – THE LYNX. As you know, every live wide-awake University, College and High School has a name, usually taken from the animal kingdom by which it is known all over the State. Texas University sends out its Longhorns, Baylor University the Bears and so on down the list of schools. Then, why not a name for Spearman High School? This is a question that will never be asked again, because we have chosen a name by which we shall be known through all the years to come. The Lynx are fierce animals, slightly larger than the Wildcats, but of the same family as they and the tigers. They are especially known for their keen-sightedness and their ferociousness. They never wait patiently to be attacked, but rush violently at anything which they want, regardless of its size or nature, and they always get it. These are characteristics of the entire student body of Spearman High School. We are Lvnx-eyed, determined fighters, and we mean to get what we go after. Come out everybody! Help the Lynx put Spearman first on the map!

Picking Cotton is the Order of the Day

Favorable weather conditions the past, two weeks have boosted the cotton raising industry in this section. Those who planted gotten are now reaping a rich harvest. Cotton is higher in price than it has been for years and the crop in this county is turning out a much better yield than was expected at first. Geo. W. Fullbright has 28 acres from which the pickers say he will get about eight bales. They have four bales picked now and have not finished picking over the field the first time. Other cotton raisers report a better yield than was anticipated. It is a certain, well-established fact that cotton can be raised in this county, and that it will make big money for the grower as long as the price remains above 20 cents. It is now bringing around 33 cents a pound. Spearman should have a gin for the next crop and now is the time to begin making arrangements for one.

75 Years Ago – 11/25/1948

Beautiful New Theater Open in Spearman

A record-breaking crowd attended the opening of Spearman's new cinema last weekend. The theatre will seat approximately seven hundred people when it is completed. At the present time there are five hundred seats downstairs. Every seat was filled on opening night with patrons standing in the balcony and lobby.

The new theatre has lovely carpeting with a modern ladies lounge and a room for mothers to care for children. Indirect lighting is used most effectively throughout the theatre. Wright Hale is the proprietor.

Rock Island Depot Burns

Last Thursday night while the storm was still raging, a fire broke out in the Rock Island Depot in Gruver. The fire apparently started in the South East corner of the Freight Shed, and was discovered by C.A. Davis about midnight. C.A. immediately gave the alarm. The siren had to be sounded several times to get enough people aroused to help fight the fire, but soon there were far more men than were needed. Nothing could be done to save the depot as the high wind whipped the fire into an inferno. Much was done however to save nearby homes. Firemen kept water spraying on the home of George Ford, and kept it from damage. Had it not been for the moisture that accompanied the storm, the story would have been very different. Much of Gruver could have been destroyed. The depot and its contents were a total loss. There was about one thousand dollars’ worth of express and about the same value in freight that was totally destroyed. Mrs. Taber had some personal things that she valued very highly stored there, that were also lost. The railroad has not yet announced plans for rebuilding. In the meantime, the offices are housed in a combination freight and passenger car.

McClellan Grain Co. Robbed Sunday Night

R.L. McClellan Grain Co. was the victim of a robbery late Sunday evening. The thief cut a hole in the north window and removed the screen. He crawled inside to remove the cash box with $125.00 in it. The robber then replaced the screen after leaving the building. The safe had been left unlocked for the first time.

Floyd Mitts Plans to Open Western Auto Store Soon

Spearman is soon to have a new Western Auto Store. It is to be operated by Floyd Mitts, longtime resident of Spearman. Mr. and Mrs. Mitts are in Kansas City attending a two-week school of the Associated Western Auto Stores. The store will be located in the old Burran Grocery Building. The store will not open until after the first of the year.


The Spearman Lion club members enjoyed a delicious Thanksgiving dinner Tuesday at their regular club meeting. Twenty-eight members and one guest were present. Lawrence Brotherton, Supt. of Gruver schools, was the guest. Lion Supt. Hartman of Spearman and Supt. Brotherton discussed the proposed Elmer - Eiken better educational state legislative bill. Supt. Brotherton emphasized the importance of keeping good teachers in school, and also discussed the social life of teachers in small towns. He emphasized the importance of asking the teachers to join in social activities in Spearman. Both school leaders discussed the critical shortage of teachers in our nation. Right now, Texas is 90,000 teachers short in the elementary grades alone. Superintendent Hartman discussed the first bill proposed by the Elmer - Aiken committee, and Lions voted 100 per cent for the bill. The subject will be discussed again next week, and all Lions are urged to attend.

El Arcois