by Linda Cole

Wisps Of Life

“LOCAL YOKEL MAKES IT BIG” (George Robinson, Former SISD teacher)

Special Column by Linda Cole

The title of this book is just that. Wisps of Life resonates with every person who has memories of their life and the memories of those loved. This book is more than a poetry book. It’s snippets of life, all life.

Glover Don Davis was born to Travis and Elvanna Davis December 15, 1956 in Borger, Texas. Don came to Spearman in 1961 where he attended school. Don’s dad Travis owned Daco which was a family business and Don states he and his brother, Mike, helped even as young children running the two-way radio, dealing with oil companies and supply houses. Many will remember him as Donnie Davis from high school football where he excelled. He set school records in track and field in the 1970s that have only been eclipsed in the last few years. He was a running back, punter and whatever they needed him to do. The strange thing is that he didn’t really like football and he states the only game he really remembers is the State Championship in 1974. Their natural grass cleats on the astro turf kept sliding around. They had to work extra hard to navigate the field and even to stand up. He graduated from SHS in 1975.

Don married his bride of 46 years in 1977. They have two children, Jamie and Doby and have three grandchildren. Don graduated from Amarillo College with an Associate Degree in IT. He worked in IT with such companies as EDS, Frito Lay and PepsiCo for over 30 years. He retired right before the pandemic and states during this time he discovered his love for God. This turning point in his life released a fountain of talent. Not only did he write this book (and 20+more in the three years since), but he went to Wal*Mart during the lockdown and bought paint brushes and supplies and began to paint. You will find these paintings in his book. He states that, once he began living for God, he had the epiphany “Hey this is what I’m supposed to do!”

While reading the book, this writer experienced many different emotions and memories. The first painting is of a feeling he had while in Spearman for his mother’s funeral. The prologue, Long Shadows, is a poem he wrote about that experience. At the end of the first stanza “Our retirement dreams are now but a single breath away from eternity. Dreams Acquiesced to Memories.” The publishers, as well as the reviews state that “Wisps of Life breaks all the rules, unconventional, but that’s what makes it work. “

In my conversations with Don, we discussed and reminisced of days gone by in Spearman. Our childhoods intertwined through my family and his. Don feels a warmth and gratitude to the citizens of Spearman and the teachers that demanded nothing but the very best from their students. The arts, sports, and vocational endeavors that everyone supported as if every child in this burg were their own. Family. He states he has several muses for his writings including Liz Hohertz Metcalf, Carol Pack, Nelda Sheets and Kim Vanderburg, just to name a few. A muse is from Greek mythology basically meaning a “vibe”. He gets his inspiration late at night, early in the morning, or maybe in the middle of the grocery store. He also is inspired by artists such as Beethoven, Van Gogh, Monet, Bob Marley, Hank Williams, Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong to name a few. He calls these people, “Silence Breakers”.

This writer spent several hours with Don talking about life, love, and family. He stated “the most important thing I ever did was make a mistake.” He is grateful to God and the people of Spearman. There are so many facets to this amazing, intelligent, talented man. I feel so honored he took his busy time to speak with me. A most pleasurable experience. Hopefully we will be able to coerce Don into coming to Spearman for a reading and book signing. The book Wisps of Life is available on Amazon, Kindle and Audible. It is also targeted for select Barnes & Noble stores as well as Apple iTunes. I sincerely hope you enjoy it as much as I have.

(I Am) The Book of You

©Glover Don Davis (excerpted)

“And just who you are…

is just who you are.

And all that I Am…

is All. That, I am.”

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